RSVP Today for June #RedForEd Rallies

An RSVP form is now available for the June #RedForEd rallies.  As MEA President Paula Herbart announced last month, MEA and AFT Michigan are working together to hold these events so lawmakers can hear the voices of public education supporters from across Michigan to support increasing funding for our students and schools.

  • On Tuesday, June 18, we’ll gather at the Lansing Center starting at 10 a.m., with a march to the Capitol stepping off around 11 a.m.  The rally program will start at noon, followed by lobbying activities.
  • For those who may still be in school on the 18th, another event is planned for the following Tuesday, June 25, so we can keep the pressure on lawmakers.  That day, we’ll begin gathering on the Capitol lawn at 11 a.m. with program at noon and lobby activities to follow.

Please RSVP today for one or both events!  Together, we can make the case to lawmakers to Value Students, Respect Educators, and Fund Our Schools.

Please encourage others to attend, including fellow school employees, parents, administrators and anyone else in our communities who values public education. Share this flyer and encourage supporters to visit to learn more and to RSVP for the rallies.  Between now and then, we need to make the case with the public for education funding increases with #RedForEd Reality Checks – learn how you can help.

