Statement from MEA President on UAW working toward a contract settlement

EAST LANSING — Michigan Education Association President Chandra Madafferi, a teacher from Oakland County, released the following statement Friday:

“We hope a resolution can be found soon in the contract negotiations between the UAW and the Detroit Three automakers. The economic impacts of a drawn-out work stoppage would be devastating for our local communities, including autoworkers and their families, small businesses and their employees, and the students and parents MEA members work with across Michigan.

“American autoworkers made massive sacrifices during the Great Recession to save the auto companies. Now that the Detroit Three are once again profitable, it is only right that hardworking UAW members be acknowledged for their work and that workers aren’t pitted against one another. We strongly believe in the collective bargaining process and urge the Detroit automakers to find a quick and equitable solution to this work stoppage that properly compensates their employees and treats them with the dignity they deserve.”

For News Media Newsroom


A photo of Erik Edoff

Erik Edoff announced as new MEA Senior Executive Director

EAST LANSING — The Michigan Education Association, the state’s largest school employee union, is proud to announce the hiring of Erik Edoff as its new senior executive director. Following a national search, MEA selected Edoff – who currently serves as Superintendent of L’Anse Creuse Public Schools – for its top staff position, providing executive leadership […]