Support Gov. Whitmer Veto of DeVos-Inspired Voucher Scheme

The Republican-controlled Legislature recently fast-tracked legislation that would set up a $500 million voucher program, pulling money from our public schools to funnel money to private schools. This Betsy DeVos-inspired scheme is in direct conflict with the Michigan Constitution’s ban on public support for private schools – a ban voters have consistently supported.
Gov. Whitmer said she will veto the legislation. Now, big money GOP donors – like the DeVoses – are funding ads asking the public to push the Governor to sign the bills. We need to show Gov. Whitmer that she has the support of the public to veto this unconstitutional legislation and stand up for the public schools every student deserves.
Please send Gov. Whitmer a letter today.
Related: President Herbart media statement on latest voucher scheme
Veto DeVos inspired voucher project. Keep public funding in public schools!
Please do not sign the $500 million dollar voucher program. It would negatively effect my family especially my kids.
Ms DeVos and like minded folks have spent years trying to wrangle a way to get public dollars for private schools. STOP this madness!
Dear Governor Whitmer,
Please veto the voucher program that will take money from financially strapped public schools. Your leadership will send a message that education is for kids’ sake, not for profit.
Thank you!
No money for charter school! Most are FOR profit!
My daughter teaches at a private school. My son in law teaches in a public school. The parents of the children in this private school are doctors, lawyers, CEOs and once the coach of the Lions. These parents are extremely well off and the school doesn’t need the extra support of the of money. Please do not sign. Veto this.
Veto this legislation! The last time a bona fide voucher proposal made the ballot in Michigan, even governor Engler opposed it. It went down in flames.
I fully support you, Governor Whitmer, in your planned veto of the proposed bill to take money from public education for private schools. It is wrong. Public funding is for public schools, not private and charter schools.
1. Despite the cute title, “Let MI Kids Learn” is a clear and present danger to MI students and present and retired school personnel.
2. LMKL would steal money from public education to subsidize private schools.
3. LMKL would steal over 1 billion dollars from MI schools including 500 million dollars in the first year.
4. In the past the MI Legislature has “borrowed” money from the pension fund to fill temporary shortfalls.
5. Taking money from public education for private schools is a clear violation of the Michigan Constitution.
6. Michigan voters have been clear on this issue. In a recent statewide ballot proposal, 69 per cent voted against sending public dollars to private schools.
7. LMKL is financed by the Mackinac Center, Betsy DeVos, etc. who are the biggest enemies of public education in Michigan.
8. Governor Whitmer has recently vetoed attempts to divert public education funding for vouchers, but this LMKL petition might be veto-proof.
9. This petition drive is attempting to subvert the will of the citizens. The petition only has to achieve a goal of 8 per cent of the number that voted in the recent Governor’s race. Common sense tells us that an 8 per cent should NOT determine the fate of public education funding.
10. LMKL is a clear and present danger to funding for public education in MI. Warn your friends and neighbors to oppose this petition and do NOT sign any petitions.
Perhaps we can hold a rally at the state Capitol building on the Sunday after Thanksgiving to express our support of public education and our opposition to the LMKL attack.