Statement from MEA President about suspension of school year due to COVID-19

EAST LANSING – The following can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart regarding Gov. Whitmer’s executive order suspending in-person school operations for the rest of the school year (or until schools are deemed safe to reopen): “The Michigan Education Association supports Gov. Whitmer’s executive order to close in-person public school operations to help slow […]

April 1 is Census Day – Be Counted Today!

With the ongoing crisis, it’s more important than ever to participate in the ongoing, once-a-decade United States Census. Today, April 1, is Census Day! Do your part by completing your Census form and encouraging others to do the same! Millions in federal funding for education programs depend on getting a complete count of Michigan residents […]

Whitmer: Schools Unlikely to Reopen in 2019-20

Given the unprecedented public health emergency unfolding across Michigan and the rest of the U.S., Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said during a radio interview this morning it is “very unlikely” that students in Michigan will return to classrooms before the end of the 2019-20 school year. MEA leaders and staff are part of ongoing conversations with […]

At-Home Resources for Elementary Students

The Michigan Education Association is here to our assist the students, parents, and educators of Michigan during this unique time. The following is a list of resources that has been compiled by our members for you to utilize at home; however we are not endorsing any particular website or program. Please check back next week […]

Latest from NEA on federal coronavirus package 

In addition to earlier Congressional action on paid leave time, last night the Senate passed a bi-partisan $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which includes economic support for households and additional funding for public education.  The House is set to vote as soon as possible on the bill.  Read NEA’s summary […]

Emergency At-Home Learning Resources

The Michigan Education Association is here to our assist the students, parents, and educators of Michigan during this unique time. The following is a list of resources that has been compiled by our members for you to utilize at home; however we are not endorsing any particular website or program. Please check back next week […]