April 1 is Census Day – Be Counted Today!

With the ongoing crisis, it’s more important than ever to participate in the ongoing, once-a-decade United States Census.

Today, April 1, is Census Day! Do your part by completing your Census form and encouraging others to do the same! Millions in federal funding for education programs depend on getting a complete count of Michigan residents – not to mention resources to help continue combating the COVID-19 outbreak.

You can confidentially and securely fill out your Census form online in about 10 minutes at www.my2020census.gov or by calling 844-330-2020.

To learn more about the importance of the Census, visit the state’s official census page at www.michigan.gov/census2020.

Don’t forget to help spread the word, especially on social media – here are some tips from the State’s “Be Counted” project.

And check out this video from Gov. Whitmer filling out her Census form.

Newsroom Uncategorized


Erik Edoff announced as new MEA Senior Executive Director

The Michigan Education Association, the state’s largest school employee union, is proud to announce the hiring of Erik Edoff as its new senior executive director. Following a national search, MEA selected Edoff – who currently serves as Superintendent of L’Anse Creuse Public Schools – for its top staff position, providing executive leadership for MEA, MESSA […]