MEA President: Michigan’s schools need federal relief dollars today

EAST LANSING — The following statement can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart calling on the Legislature to distribute federal COVID relief funding immediately to Michigan schools: “Michigan’s public schools need funding immediately to support the dedicated, hardworking educators who are serving the unique needs of students and families during this pandemic and beyond. […]

Tell Lawmakers Our Students Are Not Political Pawns – FUND OUR SCHOOLS!

On Wednesday, the Michigan House Republicans issued a proposal that made distributing bipartisan federal education funding contingent on the governor giving up important powers to protect public health, including closing schools and suspending activities like athletics if data about how the virus is spreading warrants it. “We need bipartisan action, not political gamesmanship,” said MEA President […]

Senate Education Committee Chair Launches Survey – Make Your Voice Heard

Sen. Lana Theis (R-Brighton), chair of the Senate Education and Career Readiness Committee, has launched an online survey to hear from educators, parents and students about the impact of COVID-19 on education.  The survey is meant to gather “first-hand accounts, feedback and recommendations [to] help lawmakers evaluate where we are one year on and help […]

MEA President response to State of the State

EAST LANSING — The following statements can be attributed to MEA President Paula Herbart in response to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State address and related developments in Lansing today. Regarding investment in education to meet the diverse needs of students: “The pandemic has laid bare many of the inequities in our education system. […]

A Mixed Bag in 2020 Lame Duck Session

MEA members’ lobbying efforts helped to score a victory in the Michigan Legislature’s abbreviated lame duck session in December – winning hazard pay grants for some school employees left out of the original legislation, including preschool and adult education teachers. Despite having numerous scheduled session days cancelled because of coronavirus exposure, before they left for […]

Lame Duck Legislature Slowed by COVID-19

The coronavirus has stymied much of the lame duck legislation that Republican leaders might have hoped to pass before a new state Legislature is seated in January, as positive tests for COVID-19 among lawmakers and staffers forced the state House to cancel several planned meetings. The cancellation of session days in the House last week […]

Add Your Voice to Legislative Priorities

One way you can get involved as an MEA member right now is by speaking up about the legislative priorities you believe our organization should be pursuing. The MEA Legislation Commission is developing our organization’s 2021-23 Legislative Priorities for the 101st Michigan Legislative Session which begins in January. The Commission recommends priorities to the MEA […]