Understand and support needs of future teachers

by Brittany Perreault Teaching is a calling. Teachers can change the world. To be a teacher is to touch a life forever. These lofty proclamations sound great with their implied respect for educators, but as a college student preparing to become a teacher, I’ve discovered that they actually serve to trivialize the profession to martyrdom. […]

Labor Voices: Michigan must face educator shortage after COVID-19

Amid our life-and-death fight against COVID-19, we must prepare to wage another high-stakes battle against a dire crisis that is worsening in its wake: the educator shortage. Ask school administrators and they’ll share their struggles to find enough teachers for every classroom. Similarly, there are fewer applicants for counselors, bus drivers, paraprofessionals and other education staff. A complete return […]

Labor Voices: COVID surge makes classroom too dangerous for students

April 14, 2021 By PAULA HERBART/President – Michigan Education Association The return to in-person learning in most districts means increased vigilance around safety measures is imperative. Michigan’s recent surge in COVID-19 cases is a danger to our students, families and communities.   Case numbers for kids 10-19 years old have skyrocketed. School outbreaks rose 47% over the last week […]