Higher Education Chair Meets with MAHE Board

On March 31, state Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker) met with the board of MEA’s  Michigan Association of Higher Education (MAHE) to discuss issues affecting colleges across the state. As the Chair of the House Higher Education Committee, Glanville has spent 30 years in the field of education as both a teacher and administrator, working with […]

Lawmakers must restore educators’ voice in the workplace

During a sustained political assault on the education profession a decade ago, educators had many rights stripped away that provided a critical voice in their classrooms and workplaces. Soon, state lawmakers may restore these essential bargaining and job security rights to help stabilize the education workforce and improve the quality of education our kids receive. […]

Whitmer signs repeal of unfair retirement tax on educators

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation Tuesday rolling back Michigan’s unfair retirement tax, as retired educators and others looked on. MEA President Paula Herbart, who stood immediately to the governor’s left as she signed the bill at a Capitol ceremony, said “it’s a big day for working families in our state.” “MEA applauds Gov. Whitmer for […]

Labor Voices: This time, there’s a will to act to protect students from gun violence

Hana St. Juliana. Tate Myre. Madisyn Baldwin. Justin Shilling. Arielle Anderson. Brian Fraser. Alexandria Verner. I could spend the 600 words of this column just printing the names of young people killed by gun violence in our schools, starting with these seven murdered at Oxford High School and Michigan State University. Because, frankly, I’m running […]