Make a Difference in Campaign’s Final Days – VOLUNTEER and VOTE

Join those who gathered at today’s campaign event with Dr. Jill Biden and make a difference for public education in this election! There’s still time!

First off – have you voted already or do you have a plan to vote on or before next Tuesday?  Visit for MEA’s online voter guide with recommended candidates in your area, as well as information about how you can still vote early to avoid crowds at polling locations.

Beyond your vote, we still need volunteers in the final days of Election 2020.  There’s opportunities to help every day, ranging from in-person door knocking to virtual phone banks from your home to online outreach to friends and family – visit to find out how you can help.

Political Action


MEA announces Congressional recommendations for McDonald Rivet and Swartz

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association announced Friday the recommendations of Kristen McDonald Rivet for the 8th Congressional District and Jessica Swartz for the 4th Congressional District. “At the local level, MEA members interviewed the candidates and have made careful decisions to recommend in these races because our students need members of Congress who’ll […]

MEA announces candidate recommendations for state Supreme Court and university boards

EAST LANSING – The Michigan Education Association announced Thursday that it recommends the candidacies of Justice Kyra Harris Bolden and Kimberly Thomas for the Michigan Supreme Court this November. “Justice Kyra Harris Bolden and Kimberly Thomas are committed to equal access to justice and ensuring everyone is treated with fairness and respect, and that’s why […]