Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023: Evaluation & Testing

◼ Fix the teacher evaluation system to make it developmental rather than punitive by removing state testing data, changing “effectiveness” labels, ensuring educator voice in the process and providing due process for evaluation appeals.

◼ Streamline and minimize assessment requirements to reduce both time spent and high-stakes assigned to standardized testing.

◼ Take advantage of freedom provided by new federal law by eliminating dated, Michigan-specific requirements around frequency of testing, evaluation requirements and accountability systems.

In the words of MEA Members:

The existing legislation surrounding teacher evaluation must be fixed. It is punitive for teachers. At least decrease the amount/percentage that student scores on standardized testing play a role on a teacher’s yearly evaluation.”
Krista Anderson, Brandon

State standardized testing is not useful or informative information for teachers, it eats up a lot of instructional time between teaching students how to test to actual test-taking, and it is not equitable or accessible to whole swaths of students.”
Melissa Villanueva, Ann Arbor

Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023:
Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023: Student Academic Support
Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023: Evaluation & Testing
Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023: Collective Bargaining & Job Security Rights
Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023: Educator Compensation
Key MEA Legislative Priorities for 2023: Public Education Funding

MEA Voice Feature


Letter to Members: It’s a New Day

As your new MEA officers, we are proud to represent Michigan’s educators, as we work together to continue to advocate for the educational tools all students need and the professional support all school employees deserve. And now more than ever, we believe that our hard work and dedication over the past ten years have been […]