Nominations sought for ESP Caucus Board

Editor’s Note — The information below regarding nominations for the ESP Caucus Board is rerunning from the February-March issue of the Voice. One correction and a date change are noted below.

Nominations are being accepted for several positions on the MEA ESP Caucus Executive Board. Open positions are as follows:

PRESIDENT: 1 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024

VICE-PRESIDENT:  1 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024

SECRETARY: 1 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024


1 Position – Immediate to Aug. 31, 2021
3 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024


CUSTODIAL: 1 Position – Immediate to Aug. 31, 2022

MAINTENANCE: 1 Position – Immediate to Aug. 31, 2022

HIGHER EDUCATION:  1 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024

OFFICE PERSONNEL:    1 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024

PARAPROFESSIONAL:   1 Position – Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024

Elections to the ESP Caucus Executive Board will take place during the virtual MEA Spring Representative Assembly on April 23-24, 2021.

Information needed for each candidate includes: name, present occupation, home address, home and work telephone numbers, home email address, school district, name of nominee’s local ESP association and written consent of the candidate running for office.

Candidates and nominators must be members in good standing of MEA/NEA. Nominations will be accepted from the virtual floor at the MEA/ESP Caucus meeting on Thursday, April 22, 2021 which begins at 6 p.m. Candidates will be given up to three minutes to address delegates.

