State Budget Update: Initial department budgets from House only appropriate three months at a time

House GOP budget proposals for the 2021-22 fiscal year unveiled this week included the concept of quarterly appropriations to state departments. Only distributing money for 25% of the year at a time would make it impossible for the state to accurately plan for the year.

While the education budget was not among those unveiled with this concept, school districts would face similar issues appropriately planning for the year if budgets were only approved quarterly. Among the department budgets introduced Tuesday were state police, agriculture, natural resources, environment, general government, and military and veterans affairs.

State Budget Director David Massaron said the decision to adopt quarterly budgeting was a “particularly silly position…Three month budgeting doesn’t work in the private sector, anyone’s personal finances, and certainly not for government.”

Stay tuned to Capitol Comments for more updates about the state budget process in the coming weeks.

Legislation Newsroom


MEA’s RA approves budget, resolutions and more

Nearly 400 MEA members gathered in East Lansing for the 2024 Representative Assembly (RA) last weekend, passing the 2024-25 MEA budget, electing members to MEA and NEA boards and approving items and resolutions on human rights, artificial intelligence and gun safety, among other business. Delegates to MEA’s largest governing body heard from MEA President Chandra […]