As the largest and most influential statewide education union in Michigan, MEA protects, advocates and advances the rights of all education professionals to promote a quality education for our students. We can only do that together, through the collective strength of educators. Your membership is important to all of us — and it’s valuable to you.

Advancing Public Education

When educators stand together as union members, we have strength in numbers and can be more effective when it comes to advocating for the needs of our students. With our voices raised together, we can help ensure that every student has access to an excellent education. Learn more.

Collective Bargaining and Action

Being part of a union provides us a voice in our careers, as well as protections against decisions that could harm our ability to do our jobs. MEA’s local UniServ directors help us bargain and maintain fair contracts with our employers, including better pay, benefits and working conditions. Learn more.

Legal Protection and Liability Insurance

MEA employs several full-time attorneys and retains prestigious law firms to help protect our legal rights in matters arising out of our employment. In addition, MEA provides each of us with $1 million in professional liability insurance to protect us from workplace civil and criminal claims. Learn more.

A Seat at the Table

Through legislative advocacy, MEA gives us a voice at the state Capitol in Lansing, from the Legislature to the State Board of Education and beyond. MEA also tirelessly works to elect friends of public education to local, state and national offices. Learn more.

Professional Development and Advancement

MEA members have access to high-quality programs needed to maintain and improve our job skills including online professional development, certification guidance, numerous conferences and trainings. Graduate credits are also available. Learn more.

Members-Only Discounts

MEA membership provides us with significant savings on the products and services we use daily, from online shopping to insurance to classroom supplies and more. Learn more.