DeVos-backed voucher scheme petitions withdrawn

On Monday, the Secretary of State’s office announced that the DeVos-backed voucher initiative, “Let My Kids Learn,” withdrew their petitions from consideration. The multi-million dollar attempt by DeVos and Co. to implement a school voucher scheme in Michigan has officially failed! DeVos’ attempt to circumvent the will of the public by initiating a law with only legislative […]

Oxford Strong: One Year In

Stories by Brenda Ortega, MEA Voice Editor In the months after a troubled student opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon in the hallways of Oxford High School one year ago, destroying lives and devastating the community, the long process of grieving and healing began. It will continue over many years ahead. Read the stories below […]

Learn more about new Future Educator Fellowship

The MI Future Educator Fellowship — a groundbreaking new program to provide $10,000 scholarships to 2,500 future educators in Michigan every year — is not open for applications yet. But the state has put out a new FAQ and a sign-up form to be notified when the application opens. To be eligible, students must file […]