Lame Duck Legislature Slowed by COVID-19

The coronavirus has stymied much of the lame duck legislation that Republican leaders might have hoped to pass before a new state Legislature is seated in January, as positive tests for COVID-19 among lawmakers and staffers forced the state House to cancel several planned meetings. The cancellation of session days in the House last week […]

Add Your Voice to Legislative Priorities

One way you can get involved as an MEA member right now is by speaking up about the legislative priorities you believe our organization should be pursuing. The MEA Legislation Commission is developing our organization’s 2021-23 Legislative Priorities for the 101st Michigan Legislative Session which begins in January. The Commission recommends priorities to the MEA […]

Loving Head Cook, ‘Miss Dawn,’ Wins ESP of the Year: ‘This is home to me’

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor At Parma Elementary School in Jackson County’s Western School District, students coming through Miss Dawn’s cafeteria line enjoy a generous serving of love along with their chicken nuggets, buttered corn and apple slices. “The kids absolutely love her because they know she cares,” said Principal Sue Haney. “She jokes with […]

MEA Advocates Temporary Remote Learning for All Grades

With yesterday’s announcement  that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will require all high schools and colleges in the state to remain in a virtual format through Dec. 20, MEA continues to advocate for the order to also include K-8 schools. “While in-person learning is optimal and remains our end goal, right now we […]

Union What? Union Why? Join Us!

The strength of MEA is in our solidarity—that’s why we’re inviting potential members to join us in a discussion of union values in action this Thursday evening at 7 via Zoom. At this town hall for potential members, educators who’ve not yet joined can learn from the comfort and privacy of home about why we […]

Get Answers to Student Debt Questions

Are you an educator burdened by student debt? If so, you are not alone. Join NEA’s student debt experts to ask questions and learn how to take action during a virtual student debt support clinic from 12-4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12. This event is open to educators who would like personal support on their […]

Get Answers to Student Debt Questions

Are you an educator burdened by student debt? If so, you are not alone. Join NEA’s student debt experts to ask questions and learn how to take action during a virtual student debt support clinic from 12-4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12. This event is open to educators who would like personal support on their […]

Union What? Union Why? Join Us!

The strength of MEA is in our solidarity—that’s why we’re inviting potential members to join us in a discussion of union values in action this Thursday evening at 7 via Zoom. At this town hall for potential members, educators who’ve not yet joined can learn from the comfort and privacy of home about why we […]