Innovative Educators Named

Nine MEA members have joined the state’s new Innovative Educator Corps, a grant program from the Michigan Department of Education recognizing educators who utilize an innovative program, methodology, or strategy to prepare students for future career success.

Leaving a Global Legacy

MEA member Robert Lurie feels a special connection to Anne Frank, the Jewish teenager whose diary became a classic of world literature after she perished in the Holocaust. Lurie’s father was a Jewish American soldier who fought in World War II to liberate Anne and others, and his mother – who just turned 90 – […]

Spring RA Launches #RedForEd Organizing

It’s our turn, MEA President Paula Herbart told delegates to the annual Representative Assembly in East Lansing late last week. Michigan educators need to speak up – and show up – for two Capitol rallies in June, plus join local activism efforts in the meantime, Herbart told the MEA governing body. The state budget debate […]

New MTOY: How Can I Help the Profession?

Every Michigan Teacher of the Year brings personal passions to the role as spokesperson for the state’s educators. The latest top teacher, crowned this week, sums up her mission in two words: professional revitalization. MEA member Cara Lougheed, an English teacher at Stoney Creek High School in Rochester Community Schools, said after learning of her […]

Teacher of the Year Finalists Announced

This year’s 10 Michigan Regional Teachers of the Year were announced last week by the Michigan Department of Education. From those regional finalists, the state’s top educator honoree – Michigan Teacher of the Year – will be revealed next month. The regional teachers of the year were selected for their dedication to the profession, as […]