Celebrating #MiEdChamp Stories

Every day and especially during the most challenging times, MEA members step up in unprecedented ways to be champions for public education.

You protect safety, promote learning, innovate, improvise, and adapt to a changing and challenging landscape.

You remain creative and unstoppable forces for good, always true to our mission of providing students the education they deserve—even during a global pandemic.

That’s why we want to hear, honor and help tell your amazing stories.

“When the school closure happened, we grieved,” Ann Arbor teacher Stephan Hogan says in one of the new videos. But, he adds, we moved forward. Transformed our work on the spot. Stayed committed to students and doing what it takes to succeed.

Watch for a series of MEA #MiEdChamp videos as the new school year approaches. Read about other champions for public education on these magazine pages. Share these stories far and wide, and tell your own story today using #MiEdChamp on social media.

Watch and share the videos at mea.org/miedchamp.

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