Union Leader Wins National Award

As a teacher in Huron Valley over the past decade, Nick Peruski’s approach asks students in his high school business, multimedia, and web design classes to face challenges, develop and test solutions, and learn from what works and what doesn’t. “It’s so hard as a teacher because our instinct is to help kids, but when you […]

Member Spotlight: Gabby Taylor

Gabby Taylor, a fourth-year teacher in Ann Arbor, channels veteran educators’ frustrations in “Teachers Anthem,” a moving song she wrote and performed at a school board meeting as contract talks started. You must have a music background—the anthem is powerful. I started writing in eighth or ninth grade. I took guitar lessons. I did show choir […]

ICYMI — Census 2020

The once-a-decade United States Census provides a fascinating teachable moment for students of all grade levels, intersecting social studies, mathematics and other disciplines in concrete ways. The U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program is offering free, teacher-designed resources at census.gov/schools that connect with various academic areas, including math, geography, history and more. There are […]

With MEA Help, Injured Teacher Wins Long and Tough Battle for Benefits

By Brenda Ortega MEA Voice Editor LIKE MANY educators, Jennifer Gougeon-Catarino has always been a planner—independent and efficient at getting things done. A teacher friend once called her “Polly Positive” for her go-getter spirit. “I was productive, and I was in control,” she said. “I thought I had my whole life planned out. Then this happened.” Four years […]

What Money Can Buy: Wayne County — Wayne-Westland

During a pay freeze in his district, MEA member Steve Conn watched as teacher colleagues left Wayne-Westland Community Schools by the dozens. “People were having resume-building parties, looking for jobs in other districts. Some left education altogether.” As years passed, with educators stuck on low rungs of the salary schedule, the poaching by wealthier nearby districts […]

My View: Four—Who Will Teach the Children?

by Nicole Droscha Third-grade teacher, Mason Public Schools “We still have so many third graders not meeting target scores for reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. How will we close these gaps by year’s end? What other strategies or interventions can we try? What other resources can we use to reach more kids?” These difficult questions […]