School Climate and Post-Secondary Opportunities

Districts should conduct an “equity audit” with broad participation from staff, students and families to develop and implement policies and practices that create a climate of inclusivity and belonging for all, the report said. In addition, students who may not be planning to attend a four-year college need greater awareness of and access to a variety […]

Family and Community Engagement

Beyond the concentration on students, schools must also be adept at family engagement, noted MEA member Angela Pérez, a Muskegon elementary ELL teacher. Pérez contributed to the blueprint and took over as chairwoman of the more broadly focused Governor’s Educator Advisory Council in June. Some families are disconnected from school life because of mistrust or language […]


To advance learning, the blueprint calls for schools to build in time for teacher collaboration and for educators to cultivate high-trust classroom environments. Instruction should focus on priority standards with tiered supports for students through tutoring, small-group interventions, and enrichment activities. Students’ needs will vary widely, said MEA member Shantel VanderGalien, a national board-certified eighth- […]


The mental and emotional health of students and educators top the list of concerns that demand immediate attention at this stage of the pandemic. As the virus took its toll, as social distancing and masking became the norm, as schools shifted between remote and hybrid modes, young people experienced increasing rates of anxiety and depression. […]

Focus on Recovery

Vision. Commitment. Staffing. Resources. Funding. Recovery from a months-long public health crisis that has spared no corner of society will require many things—including time, perhaps most of all. The MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery gives school districts a head-start on responding. Developed by a 30-member advisory council—appointed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer—of educators, health experts, community […]

Aspiring Educators from Michigan Win National Award

The Aspiring Educators of Michigan (AEM)—MEA’s pre-professional wing made up of college and university student members—has taken home a national award of excellence. AEM leaders were honored with the 2021 NEA Aspiring Educators State Excellence Award at a newly redesigned ceremony in June that recognized the hard work of aspiring educators state programs across the […]

Above and Beyond: MEA Member Gary Cooper

MEA member Gary Cooper could have relaxed after retiring from a 30-year career as an autoworker at Ford Motor Co. Instead the 64-year-old former UAW shop steward took on a new full-time role as a community assistant at Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor. The support staff position requires him to wear “quite a few […]

Labor Voices: Money drives for-profit cyber school recruitment

As we approach the new school year, we’re still faced by challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic and the priority of keeping students, educators and communities safe.  With the right virus mitigation measures, Michigan has shown in-person school can be safe – and many families and educators are looking forward to the academic and social-emotional support […]

Education Policy

The blueprint calls on state leaders to implement higher base funding for all schools with additional dollars for districts with higher populations of students who are at-risk, English language learners, or attending special education and career-technical classes. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has pressed for those changes every year since her election. In July, she signed a […]